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Patient-Centered Care

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OPN Instructors


Craig Nelson, MS, OTR/L is one of the creators of the OPN Method. He is the former Director of Rehabilitative Services at Hiram W. Davis Medical Center in Petersburg, Virginia and Director of Rehabilitative Support Services at Southside Virginia Training Center in Petersburg, Virginia. He earned his B.S. in Occupational Therapy at the University of Minnesota and his M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling at Syracuse University. His experience includes 20 years on the OT faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University. He co-authored two books on involving patients in goal-setting and more than 15 articles in refereed journals. Craig is retired from clinical practice.


Bob Tripicchio, PT, DSc, is President of Community Physical Therapy & Associates in Addison, Illinois. He earned his B.S. in Physical Therapy at the University of Pennsylvania, his M.S. in Exercise Physiology from George Williams College, and graduated with a Doctor of Science in Geriatric Physical Therapy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals. He is the author of "Increasing Patient Participation: The Effects of Training Clinicians to Involve Geriatric Patients in Treatment Planning," published in the Spring 2009 edition of the Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Mr. Tripicchio has also served on the Executive Board of American Physical Therapy's Community and Home Health Section and the National Association of Rehab Providers and Agencies and served as District Representative to the Illinois Physical Therapy Association.

Jennifer Wegner, BA, is currently Program Manager of the OPN Method at Community Physical Therapy. She is a co-author of "Increasing Patient Participation: The Effects of Training Clinicians to Involve Geriatric Patients in Treatment Planning," published in the Spring 2009 edition of the Journal of Physical Therapy Education. She graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in Communication.

"I felt that the OPN Method has allowed me to build a rapport with my patients in a very short amount of time because I was better able to understand what was important to my patients, not what was important to me in regards to 'making them better."

Michelle M.