Meeting our Professional Obligation
Patient-Centered Care

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President's Message


When I first read the book, Treatment Planning for Rehabilitation: A Patient-Centered Approach, I experienced a professional awakening as a clinician and as a President of a
rehabilitation practice for 25 years that employs over 300 therapists. I was revitalized and inspired by the authors' ground-breaking book, so much in fact that I published my doctoral dissertation on the subject.

The three leaders of this seminal book, Mark Ozer M.D., Otto Payton, P.T., Ph.D., and Craig Nelson, OTR/L, MS, created a useful patient-centered communication method that involves patients in treatment planning nearly 20 years ago, paving the way for the rest of the medical community to follow. I plan to follow in their pursuit of patient-centered communication. I am joining forces with Craig Nelson to keep the OPN Method in the forefront of patient-centered care, and help carry the torch for this industry-wide initiative.

My inspiration for the OPN Method is consistently renewed by all the excellent feedback we receive from patients and their clinicians who have incorporated it into their medical disciplines. It's fun. It's exciting. It's dynamic. It instills pride in the practitioner.

The medical industry is constantly evolving and we sometimes struggle to keep up with all its demands. The day to day activities are strenuous and demanding in healthcare, but we mustn't lose sight of the aim of our industry - provide high quality patient care that consumers expect. I feel the OPN Method can do just that.

To the leaders of patient-centered care, to Mark Ozer, Otto Payton and Craig Nelson, thank you for your inspiration, expanding my horizons and for your contributions to raising the standards in healthcare delivery.  Register


Bob Tripicchio, PT, DSc
President of Community Physical Therapy & Associates

"I felt that this course was one of the best and most beneficial courses I've ever attended."



Karen T.